Articles from June 2015

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How To Identify Your Best Skills

Although they have many years of work experience many of my clients tell me that they don't really know what their skills are. Perhaps they've become competent using at using a skills but they wouldn't neccesarily say that they enjoy using it. Then there's the question of hidden skills. What if there was a skill you'd love to use, if only you knew what it was! more

The Wide And Often Surprising Career Paths That Are Open To People Who Study Engineering

The choice of education stream for a young adult headed to college is often a decision that occupies a lot of mind, space and time. The beauty here is that the stream you pursue sometimes has little bearing on where you end up. For instance, an engineering degree could be your passport to the CEO's office in a multibillion-dollar investment more

A-Z Guide To Finding Work You Love - H

Quite often, people believe that it's a luxury to take this letter into work and that it's something that should be reserved for hobbies and interests. This why I believe many people settle for mediocrity in work. If you want to find work you love, this letter must go with you on your more