If you're feeling a little apathetic about your career as we approach the end of 2015, here are 5 ways to inspire you to kick some serious butt in 2016....
1. Be curious – sometimes we can go through life with blinkers on and we can miss great opportunities to be inspired. In conversations you have, start to delve a little deeper. Find out what makes people tick. Challenge your day to day actions at work. Challenge the work ethos. What could you do differently to make things better?
2. Get out more – a change of scenery can inspire you to think and feel differently. You don’t have to go too far and it could even be somewhere familiar. In the words of Will Smith in that classic tune Summertime, “just a bit of a break from the norm, just a little sumthin’ to break the monotony….”
3. Watch an inspiring movie – if you can’t think of one off the top of your head, do some research on Netflix or Lovefilm. For me it’s The Pursuit of Happyness (that man Will Smith again) or the Shawshank Redemption are my personal favourites.
4. Read an inspiring book – if reading is your thing, find a book that will make you want to change your life and believe that you can achieve whatever you put your mind to as long as it is congruent with your values. You can read biographies of ordinary people who overcame adversity to achieve great things, for example Candice Lightner, Audie Murphy, Abraham Lincoln and Jesse Owens. But it doesn’t need to be based on true life.
5. Watch a TED talk – you can be inspired by almost any topic on TED but find a topic you’re interested in and I defy you to not be inspired by what you hear.