Those who are just starting out with their own business might be wondering just how much of an online presence they actually need. Do they really need to address all the social media sites? What type of website should they have? How important is creating a brand?Getting onlineThe truth more
Many people are attracted to a particular industry sector or type of work because it fits their personality. Others, unfortunately, are going to find themselves on a career path that is ultimately unsuitable, making them feel as though they are in a rut and in need of a new more
The time has finally come to venture into working life; surely it can't be that hard to find a job? Unfortunately the job market is becoming increasingly tougher making it extremely important to make sure that you stand out as a potential candidate. There are many ways in which more
If you've made the life-changing decision to switch careers and start a new business, you have already proved that you are a person who is not afraid of taking risks and making a jump into the unknown. For some people, a career change is given a little push: being more
I spent yesterday morning at Lewes Prison, speaking to staff about the issues facing inmates on release. I was told of a former inmate who had been a taxi driver all his life before being sent to prison. However, during his time there he studied and developed a real more